Desa Way Kalam Kecamatan Penengahan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Propinsi Lampung

Aware Tour and Aware Group Tourism in Tourism Destination Development

Increasing the role of the community in the development of tourism requires various empowerment efforts (empowerment), so that people can play a more active and optimum role as well as positive benefits from development activities undertaken for improvement of welfare.
Community empowerment in the context of tourism development can be defined as:

"Efforts to strengthen and improve the capacity, role and initiative of the community as one of the stakeholders, to be able to participate and play an active role as the subject or beneficiary in tourism development in a sustainable manner". (Renstra Directorate of Community Empowerment, 2010)
The definition affirms the important position of the community in development activities, namely the community as the subject or the agent of development; and communities as beneficiaries of development.
The community as the subject or the development agenda of the stakeholders of the government and private sector. In its function as the subject or the community actors have roles and responsibilities
to jointly encourage successful development of tourism in the region.

The community as beneficiaries means that the community is beneficial to the quality of life and social welfare of the people concerned.
Within the framework of tourism development, one of the fundamental aspects of tourism development is the creation of a development and development of tourism activities in one place. The climate or conducive environment is primarily associated with the realization of Sadar Wisata and Sapta Pesona which is developed consistently among the people who live around the tourism destinations.

SADAR WISATA In this case is described as a form of public awareness to play an active role in the following 2 (two) things, namely:

  • The community recognizes its role and responsibility as a good host for guests or visiting tourists to create a conducive environment and atmosphere as embodied in the slogan of Sapta Pesona.
  • The public recognizes the right and the need for a tourist destination, as a form of basic needs for recreation and especially in knowing and loving the country.
SAPTA PESONA , as mentioned above are:

"7 (seven) elements of charm that must be realized for the development of tourism activities in a place that encourages the growing interest of tourists to visit".

The seven elements of Sapta Pesona seen above are:
  1. Safe
  2. Orderly
  3. Clean
  4. Cool
  5. Beautiful
  6. Friendly
  7. Memories
The realization of the seven elements of Sapta Pesona in the development of tourism in the region will lead to:
  • Increased interest in tourist visits to destinations
  • The growth of a prospective tourism business climate
  • Increased employment and income opportunities, as well as multi-tourism economic impacts for the community.
Conscious Tourism and Sapta Pesona as an important element in supporting the development of tourism destinations certainly can not be realized automatically without any steps and efforts to pioneer, grow, develop and implement consistently in tourism destinations. Therefore, community participation is needed to be actively promoted in developing Sadar Wisata and Sapta Pesona together with other relevant stakeholders.

In this case the Travel Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) or a group of tourism drivers as an informal institutional form established by members of the community
(especially those who have a concern in developing tourism in their area), is one of the stakeholder elements in the community that has the relevance and important role in developing and realizing the Sadar Wisata and Sapta Pesona in their area.

An overview of the position and importance of the Conscious Travel Group
(Pokdarwis) associated with the development of tourism / tourism destinations can be illustrated in Figure 1.2. below this:
Tour Conscious Linkage Diagram and Awareness Group Tour in Tourism Destination Development
The existence of Pokdarwis in the context of the development of tourism destinations has served as one of the "driving forces" in supporting the creation of a conducive environment and atmosphere at the local level, which collectively will positively impact the development of tourism destinations within the broader context of the region.

The role and contribution of Pokdarwis need to be continuously supported and developed both in quality and quantity in supporting the growth and growth of tourism destinations, as well as in particular the increasing role of the community in the development of tourism in their respective regions.

Therefore, the Pokdarwis Development Guideline is needed as a guide for the Government at the central and regional levels in guiding Pokdarwis or facilitating the formation of new Pokdarwis.

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Terimakasih atas kunjunganya diblog kami, bila ada pertanyaan seputar Deswita Way Kalam silahkan Hub kami di Mari kita bersama-sama memajukan Kepariwisataan Lampung Selatan melalui Media Sosial - Salam Pesona Indonesia
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