Desa Way Kalam Kecamatan Penengahan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Propinsi Lampung

Legal basis

Some of the legal grounds that serve as an umbrella in the Preparation of this Travel Awareness Group Guidelines are as follows:
  1. Law Number 10 Year 2009 on Tourism (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2009 Number 11, Supplement to State Gazette Number 4966);
  2. Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 Year 2005 on Culture and Tourism Development Policy
  3. Regulation of the Minister of Culture and Tourism No. PM. 07 / HK.001 / MKP-2007 on the second amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Culture and Tourism No. PM. 17 / HK.001 / MKP-2005 concerning the Organization  and Working Procedures of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism
  4. Minister of Culture and Tourism Regulation no. PM.04 / UM.001 / MKP / 08 about Aware Tour
  5. Regulation of the Minister of Culture and Tourism no. 11 PM 17 / PR.001 / MKP / 2010 on Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Year 2010-2014
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Terimakasih atas kunjunganya diblog kami, bila ada pertanyaan seputar Deswita Way Kalam silahkan Hub kami di Mari kita bersama-sama memajukan Kepariwisataan Lampung Selatan melalui Media Sosial - Salam Pesona Indonesia
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