Desa Way Kalam Kecamatan Penengahan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Propinsi Lampung

The Strategic Role of Communities in Tourism Development

Tourism development activities, as well as development in other sectors, essentially involve the role of all existing and related stakeholders. The intended stakeholders include 3 (three) parties, namely: Government, Private and Community, with all their respective roles and functions.
Each of these stakeholders can not stand on their own, but must work together in order to achieve and realize the goals and objectives of the agreed development. Figure 1.1. below indicates linkages and synergies between stakeholders and in tourism development activities

Describe the roles and functions of each stakeholders more clear as follows:
  1. The Government is in accordance with its duties and responsibilities in performing its roles and functions as facilitator and regulator in tourism development activities.
  2. Private Company (business actor / tourism industry) with its own resources, capital and net network shall perform its role and function as developer and or executor of development of tourism activities;
  3. Communities with resources owned, whether in the form of customs, traditions and culture and capacity, acting as host, but also at the same time as the perpetrator of the development of tourism.

The description shows that the community has an important position and role in supporting the success of development. Therefore, in the framework of the development of tourism development activities, any efforts or development programs should consider the position, potential and role of the community as a subject or development agent.
It is in this context that community empowerment programs through tourism are important step that needs to be supported by the community. and national levels.

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