Desa Way Kalam Kecamatan Penengahan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Propinsi Lampung

Study Banding Pengolahan Produksi Pisang


The residents of Way Kalam hamlet produce various businesses ranging from snacks typical of Way Kalam, traditional herbs, to catfish cultivation seeds. The obstacle faced by the Women Farmers Group (KWT) in Tlogo Hamlet which incidentally is a partner of the current service is the weakening of the spirit of producing processed snacks by KWT mothers, including the pandemic, the capital for the basic ingredients of snacks and the technology used in producing it is still conventional. . 

Bananas are one type of fruit that can be processed in a variety of food variants, but what is circulating in the market for processed bananas is only that. This is the reason people tend to get bored with processed bananas, even though bananas have a lot of benefits in the body if consumed regularly. But it is not uncommon for people who do not like bananas, and are bored with processed bananas. While bananas are not seasonal fruits, so when not consumed immediately they will rot. The service activities that have been carried out have provided a solution, namely regenerating the spirit of mothers who are members of KWT, to innovate in processed snack products, in this case made from bananas with processing and marketing technology. 

The target achieved is that the community becomes creative and can make various processed products made from bananas to be used as an idea to become an opportunity for entrepreneurship so as to increase family income and be able to become entrepreneurs in making snacks. For this reason,
community service activities empower women farmer groups to develop products made from bananas with the help of modern technology, it is believed to be able to increase processed productivity, by doing so it can change their insight about the rich variety of banana menus, will attract people's attention and interest to consume banana-based processed foods. . 

In addition, it can help improve the economy of the women's farmer group in the current economic crisis season (Admin)

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Terimakasih atas kunjunganya diblog kami, bila ada pertanyaan seputar Deswita Way Kalam silahkan Hub kami di Mari kita bersama-sama memajukan Kepariwisataan Lampung Selatan melalui Media Sosial - Salam Pesona Indonesia
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